Court Facility Improvement Project News

October 23, 2018

County to Increase Parking with Purchase of Elks Lodge

The Franklin County Commissioners entered into a sales agreement for the purchase of the Elks Lodge in Chambersburg to be used as satellite parking for court related offices.

October 04, 2018

Facility Floor Plans Finalized and Approved

The design and floor plans for the new Judicial Center, renovations to the Courthouse Annex, and renovations to the Old Courthouse have been finalized and approved by the Board of Commissioners.

August 03, 2018

Bid Awarded for Mock-up Courtroom Construction

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved a bid for the judicial center courtroom mock-ups as part of the process to finalize designs for the Court Facility Improvement Project.

June 28, 2018

Commissioners Approve Property Purchase as Part of Long-term Development Plan

Franklin County Commissioners moved to purchase the property located at the corner of N. Second Street and Montgomery Alley.

June 27, 2018

Local Firms to Provide Professional Services for Courthouse Facility Improvement Project

This week, the Franklin County Commissioners entered into professional services agreements with Noelker & Hull Associates and Dennis E. Black Engineering, Inc., both of Chambersburg, to provide services for the Court Facility Improvement Project.

May 25, 2018

County Signs Bonds for Court Facility Improvement Project

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners went to settlement on the first phase of financing for the Court Facility Improvement Project, providing $55M of net proceeds.

April 19, 2018

Commissioners Approve Bond Issue for Court Facility Improvement Project

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners took the next step in the Court Facility Improvement Project by approving a bond issue for $55M of net proceeds after reviewing bid process results which were more favorable than expected.

March 15, 2018

Commissioners Select Construction Management Firm for Courthouse Facility Improvement Project

Today the Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved a contract with Franklin Advisory to provide construction management services for the Court Facility Improvement Project.